Covert Cops Join ‘Kanwar Yatra’ In Up To Maintain Law And Order

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During the ‘Kanwar Yatra’, lovers of Lord Shiva, particularly in north India, stroll by walking to Haridwar, Gaumukh, and so on in Uttarakhand to bring the water of Ganga River in the propitious Hindu month of Shravan. They then offer the sacred water to Lord Shiva back home.

Noida: As Kanwar Yatra arrives at its pinnacle, police in pieces of western Uttar Pradesh have wore the appearance of Kanwariyas to join the parades to get control over rule of peace and law, as per authorities.

Wearing saffron shirts with shorts or track pants, many police work force in Muzaffarnagar have joined other ‘Bhole’, as the Kanwariyas are affectionately called, the authorities said.

During the Kanwar Yatra, fans of Lord Shiva, particularly in north India, stroll by walking to Haridwar, Gaumukh, and so forth in Uttarakhand to get the water of Ganga River in the propitious Hindu month of Shravan. They then offer the blessed water to Lord Shiva back home.

Safety efforts were moved forward in the region with large number of police staff on the job, even as robots were conveyed for flying observing and observation for the rule of law, a senior authority said.

Muzaffarnagar on the UP-Uttarakhand line is a vital region for the yearly journey of ‘Shivbhakts’ as any pioneer on the Yatra to Uttarakhand would need to get through it fundamentally. The region has around 50 km of street extends that structure the Kanwar courses,” the authority told news organization PTI.

Subsequent to bringing ‘Gangajal’ from Uttarakhand, the Kanwariyas arrive at Muzaffarnagar and afterward split approaches to Meerut, Shamli, and so on while local people move to Shiv Chowk, among other conspicuous sanctuaries in Muzaffarnagar, the authority said.

Safety efforts have been moved forward. Other than the typical arrangement, around 400-500 police faculty in the apparel of Kanwariyas are participating in the parade for checking the rule of law circumstance,” the authority said, mentioning secrecy.

The authority said the sending of police in the pretense of “Bholes” has been a normal practice for the beyond quite a long while.

The secret work force stay inside the locale of the area as they blend in with Kanwariyas during their foot walks, the authority said.

Around 750 CCTV cameras were put on different key areas, drones conveyed for checking swarm develop at key crossroads and markets. The CCTV cameras are IP-controlled, which can be gotten to by approved people from far off areas over cell phones likewise,” the authority said.

When reached, Muzaffarnagar Senior Superintendent of Police Vineet Jaiswal expressed lakhs of pioneers go through the region during the Kanwar Yatra and satisfactory safety efforts have been set up.

Police work force have been conveyed along the Kanwar courses en masse and they have been told to guarantee bother free development of Kanwariyas,” Mr Jaiswal told news organization PTI.

The guidelines of the state government are being observed to ensure the rule of peace and law circumstance stays in charge and severe move is made against any individual meaning to blend inconvenience,” the cop said.


(With the exception of the title, this story has not been altered by NDTV staff and is distributed from a partnered feed.)

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